
Showing posts from April, 2023

Common Questions & Confusions

 Over the years common statement & questions arise when the larger activation/portal Mass meditations gets announced & most of them can be quickly easily resolved so as to move forward with taking action on the best tool we have for liberation (must come before Ascension its the natural progression) & thusly capitalize on this opportunity in larger numbers " Meditation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to strengthen the Light grid which is needed to speed up the process of Ascension." 1) "We should be mass meditating all the time NOT just on one day !" W.L.M.M. has been doing daily,weekly & monthly schedules including in 30-40+ language translations all in guided audio for at least 3 years now ( there is no other source in the world doing this )   & already have the most viral videos on Youtube right now & have 4 of the recent world record mass meditations ever including the spark that i...

Science & News

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations and activations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this activation can actually help bringing the new golden age closer to us:    Just a few months ago from the New York Post :   Also may are aware of the 100th monkey effect, which is even easier & more profound than people think via morphic resonance :  We are The Ripple to Healing Humanity   Here are some News Articles from the past on Mass Meditation  smithso...

Viral Youtube Videos on Mass Meditation

Many come from We Love Mass Meditation 1)   Ascension Timeline Meditation - English guided audio  413,015 views Mar 17, 2020      B) Japanese Translation  アセンションタイムライン瞑想 - Japanese guided audio  109,649 views Mar 22, 2020   C)  Línea de tiempo pará la Ascensión - Spanish guided audio 104,116 views Apr 4, 2020      2) Promo video for April 2020 meditation Over 300k views See #5 here :   B) The French Translation :  Méditation de la Ligne de Temps de l’Ascension / Fin du Coronavirus 4/5 avril 2020 - French  188,371 views Mar 11, 2020   ...

Positive Results from Cobra Mass Meditations over the years

 Below is a list of 30 reports post mass meditations & what happened as a result   2012 Meditation Reports (x5): 1.)     "Immediately after our global visualization, Japan shut down its last nuclear reactor:         2.)   " enough people were synchronizing their consciousness stream to allow the Light forces to put a computer virus into the A.I. Matrix program on the etheric & astral planes.  This means that fuzzy logic program of the Matrix is now being busy within a closed loop, unable to repair itself and fill the cracks of clear space/time structure in the distorted etheric/astral Matrix electromagnetic field. Those cracks were created with our conscious e...